James Cameron‘s much-anticipated film, Avatar :The Way of Water hits theaters worldwide on December 16. After a gap of 14 years, James Cameron is coming with a sequel to Avatar. The box office records created by Avatar have remained unchanged for more than 14 years. Avengers : Infinity War tried to topple it, but through re-releasing, Avatar managed to regain that position.Even after a decade, Avatar remains a marvel.
Let’s check the figures of the highest grossing movies in the world before the arrival of Avatar: The way of life..

Release date : 10 December, 2009
Director : James Cameron
Producers: James Cameron, Jon Landau
Budget : $237 million
Box office : $2.92 Billion

Release date :22 April, 2019
Director : Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Producers: Kevin Feige
Budget : $400 million
Box office : $2.798 Billion

Release date :1 November, 1997
Director : James Cameron
Producers: James Cameron, Jon landau
Budget : $200 million
Box office : $2.202 Billion

Release date :14 December, 2015
Director : J J Abrams
Producers: Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, Bryan Burk
Budget : $300 million
Box office : $2.068 Billion

Release date :23 April, 2018
Director :Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Producers: Kevin feige
Budget : $400 million
Box office : $2. 048 Billion